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Mommy Makeover In Austin, TX

Mommy Makeover in Austin, TX

Restore Your Sense of Self

Motherhood can be a source of limitless rewards, but it also requires boundless sacrifice. Being a mom takes a toll emotionally, mentally, and physically. It’s easy for such a selfless job to affect our sense of self. While motherhood is beautiful, some women find that changes that their bodies have endured during pregnancy contribute to self-consciousness or a decline in their sense of identity. A Mommy Makeover offers the opportunity to restore your pre-baby body so that you can be your happiest, most confident self. The experts at Westlake Plastic Surgery are here to help you feel like you again with your personalized Mommy Makeover in Austin. Schedule your consultation with us to begin your journey toward your most beautiful life.

Liposuction, Breast Lift + Tummy Tuck Bring Back Your Younger Body

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The Impact Of This Procedure On A Woman’s Life

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Sarah’s Story – A Mommy Makeover Documentary

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Mommy Makeover – Overview

Reclaim your body.

We see many moms in our Austin office who are thrilled with their children and family life. We see grandmoms in the prime of their lives enjoying their children and grandchildren! However, they are troubled by the effects of pregnancy on their figures including weight gain and fat accumulation, sagging or shrinking of the breasts, and wrinkling and bulging of the abdomen from pregnancy — all of which can take a toll on self-esteem. This is why we offer our patients in Austin Mommy Makeovers.

Average Cost: Contact Us
Recovery Time: 7-10 days
Average Procedure Time: 4 hours
Post-Op Follow-Up: 2 weeks, 6 months, 1 year
Recovery Location: Out-Patient

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Is this something you will just have to live with?

Is it wrong to want your pre-pregnancy body back? Isn’t it frustrating when despite a rigorous diet and exercise you don’t see significant changes? Wasn’t it fun to feel desirable and sexy? Wasn’t it fun to wear sexy clothing? Isn’t it unfair that women have to do all the childbearing work and suffer the consequences of pregnancy while men don’t! Is this a good time to invest in YOU? Of course, it doesn’t help when you are told that “you’re fine the way you are” or “do whatever makes you happy” — which is the usual response we hear when we ask our patients what their significant other thinks.

Could you imagine being told that you need to have something done?!? It is easy to see how this can affect your self-esteem and your personal body image. In many instances, we find that the family just isn’t happy if mom is not happy. So, in essence, the mommy makeover is the careful and appropriate selection of plastic surgery procedures to turn back the clock back to pre-children days. The goal of our Austin Mommy Makeover is for you to look as good as you feel and enjoy your life to the fullest!

Austin mommy makeover model with pink bottoms grey wavy line accent

What are the benefits of a Mommy Makeover?

Compassionate care. Impeccable results.

Getting your mojo back typically involves reshaping breasts that are no longer perky, flattening the abdomen that has been stretched out by the kiddos, and contouring some unwanted fat that has remained or has moved somewhere new. Some combination of these procedures can help you get your life back, improve relationships, and regain the confidence that made life so much more intimate and interesting.

Our goal with Mommy Makeover patients is to make them feel sexy again; anything less is simply a disappointment. We strive to perform procedures such that the end result is the transformation of the body and the mind. The transformative power of our passion and skill is what drives our love for our chosen profession. Contributing to making a dream come true makes my spine tingle and motivates us each day. Plastic surgery is most certainly more than skin deep: it’s an art that we at Westlake Plastic Surgery perform from the heart.

Austin mommy makeover model grey wavy line accent

Am I a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

When is the best time to get a Mommy Makeover?

If you would like to restore your pre-pregnancy figure, you are likely a candidate for a Mommy Makeover in Austin. You should be in good general health, with no underlying health conditions that may complicate your procedure or recovery. Because pregnancy or significant weight change can impact your results, we recommend that you wait until you are done having children and are at or near your ideal weight before your Mommy Makeover.

Common Problem Areas

What areas are included in a Mommy Makeover?

The Abdomen

The uterus is usually about the size of an orange and during pregnancy, the growing baby stretches the uterus and, ultimately, the abdominal wall. The two vertically oriented abdominal muscles (the “six-pack” muscles) actually separate. The separation of your muscles (also called rectus diastasis) is permanent. The abdominal fascia becomes lax with each successive pregnancy, and the abdomen bulges despite diet and exercise. Some women tend to hold their abdomen tight all day long to help minimize the bulge that appears with muscle relaxation.

With appropriate exercise, you can strengthen the muscles and improve tone, but you cannot strengthen or tighten the loose, stretched abdominal fascia. The skin is also stretched immensely during pregnancy, resulting in lax or loose skin. Stretch marks are very common. They are permanent scars. The waist widens, fat accumulates in and around the trunk area, and the skin can hang. This is most noticeable when you bend over. You cannot exercise your skin to make it tighter.

The Breasts

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, the breasts grow considerably. Breastfeeding causes the breasts to empty and fill repeatedly. Once breastfeeding is complete, the breasts typically decrease in size, often to a size smaller than before the pregnancy. As a result, the breasts fall (ptosis) and become flatter and smaller. The areola diameter increases and typically darkens. Stretch marks can also appear. The breasts end up looking tired, droopy, and deflated. Simply put, your breasts are not what they used to be!

Lipodystrophy or Fat Accumulation

Lipodystrophy is the collection of fat, which might have been present before pregnancy but becomes more apparent after pregnancy. Fatty deposits can also appear in areas that formerly had very little present (like the hips and the waist). To learn more about the issues we can help fix with a Mommy Makeover Austin patients can call us at (512) 732-0732 for more information.

Abdominal muscles before and after pregnancy

Austin mommy makeover infographic- abdomen before pregnancy and after pregnancy

Your Mommy Makeover Procedure

Treatment Designed to Your Unique Needs

The Abdomen

The impact of pregnancy on a woman’s abdomen is variable. This is one area of plastic surgery requiring excellent judgment and extensive experience to make the most appropriate recommendation for repair.

Additional Reading

When there is a large abdominal bulge from weakened fascia, loose hanging skin, and an abundance of stretch marks present, a full abdominoplasty usually accompanied by liposuction is needed to correct the problem. A “mini-tuck” may be all that is necessary to improve the appearance in cases when the abdomen is relatively flat, yet stretch marks and loose skin in the area below the umbilicus or “belly button” remain. If the fascia is strong and the skin is relatively tight, but there is excess fat on the abdomen and hips, liposuction alone may provide excellent results.

The Breasts

Breast surgery after pregnancy is designed to bring the breasts back to “the good old days” when they were perky. Sometimes an implant alone is sufficient to restore lost volume when the nipple has not fallen. If there is significant drooping of the breast, your surgeon may recommend a breast lift with or without an implant.

Liposuction (Fat Removal)

Liposuction consists of contouring the fat that accumulated during pregnancy. It is the easiest procedure to restore your pre-pregnancy curves.

Combining the “Big 3” Procedures:

Sometimes all three procedures can be safely performed to provide for the best result. However, it is not uncommon that I recommend that you stage the procedures in order to obtain the best final result and to provide you with the greatest degree of safety.

Your Mommy Makeover Recovery

After Your Procedure

The Mommy Makeover is an outpatient procedure, so you will be able to recover in the comfort of your home. You should plan for someone close to you to assist you during your recovery, including caring for small children. The length of your recovery will depend on the extent of your procedure and how quickly your body heals. Most patients resume regular activities within seven to 10 days after their Mommy Makeover.

Austin mommy makeover patient model before surgery

Your Mommy Makeover Results

Youthful contours. Lasting confidence.

“I’ve finally got back my pre–pregnancy body and I couldn’t be happier with my mommy makeover results.”

With your personalized Mommy Makeover, you can look forward to beautifully authentic results that reflect your inner youthfulness. Results are considered permanent, so you can enjoy your beautiful contours indefinitely.

“After having three boys, I wanted my body back. Diet and exercise helped, but certain areas of my body never seemed to change. Childbirth can do that to you…I would highly recommend Westlake Plastic Surgery to anyone who is feeling a little down about their appearance. Dr. Caridi has totally changed my life for the better, and I know he can do the same for you.” —Jamie Gabriel, Actual Mommy Makeover Patient

Austin mommy makeover before and after

Schedule your Austin Mommy Makeover consultation with Westlake Plastic Surgery today

Long-lasting Youthful Contours

If you are interested in restoring your youthful contours with a personalized Mommy Makeover in Austin, contact us to schedule your one-on-one consultation with us today. We look forward to helping you achieve your best results.

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Mommy Makeover Frequently Asked Questions

There is no set amount of time that you should wait after childbirth to have a Mommy Makeover. However, we recommend that you schedule your procedure when you are done breastfeeding, are not planning on having any more children, and are at or near your ideal weight.

A Mommy Makeover usually includes shaping the abdomen and breasts. However, it is an entirely customizable surgery that can also include virtually any plastic surgery procedure.

You can expect some discomfort during your recovery. Your surgeon will prescribe you pain medication if necessary to ensure your most comfortable recovery. Most patients are pain-free within a week of their procedure.

Make Tomorrow Beautiful

Schedule Your Consultation

When it comes to improving your life, there’s no time like the present. The decisions you make today about your skin health, your body, and your beauty will impact you for the rest of your life. For more than three decades, Westlake Plastic Surgery has made the future brighter and more beautiful for patients just like you. Schedule your consultation today to begin your aesthetic journey at Westlake Plastic Surgery.

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