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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 77

Patient Details

This is a 37 year old mother of two, 5’3″ and 114 pounds who was interested in a breast enhancement. Specifically, she wanted more fullness and she wanted them perkier. She has moderate sized breasts that are relatively flat, with little by the way of superior breast fullness. Her breasts sag.  We discussed options at length. Eventually it boils down to “lift or not to lift”. I told her that it was likely that if she didn’t choose a large enough implant, it was likely that her breast would sag off the implant if it was placed beneath the muscle. If it was placed above the muscle, it is possible that she would “bottom out” over time and develop somewhat of a “rock in the sock” appearance.

If we are lucky, and she chooses the right implant that works to fill her out without making her too large, she will reach that endpoint where things are looking pretty good. She is seen here after a breast augmentation with 350cc high profile silicone implants placed beneath the muscle through an incision at the bottom of the breast. She is happy, and, quite frankly, so am I. There is an increase in volume, she is certainly more perkier than before, and her breast tissue is not sagging off her breasts (this looks weird when the patient is naked-it’s not an issue when wearing a bra to hold it all together).

We discussed the issue of doing a lift as a secondary procedure if she was not completely satisfied with an augmentation alone. So far, this has not been an issue. I did encourage her to keep them “up and in” with a better bra than she was wearing on the day of these post-operative photos because she will have a tendency for her breasts to settle off to the side because of her breast shape and the curvature to her underlying ribs.

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