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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 64

Patient Details

This is a 28 year old 5’7″ and 125 pounds interested in a breast augmentation. She is seen here after a breast augmentation with 275cc moderate profile submuscular implants placed from an incision at the bottom of the breast.

Learning points:

  1. Her breasts are stationed high on her chest wall. Her breasts are small and tight. The smaller the implant the better her result. A large implant will simply not fit on her upper chest and she will certainly look “overdone” in some regards. She will also feel like her implants are under her chin!
  2. Molding her smaller breasts over a larger implant requires some work afterwards and she did a good job to achieve the shape she has.
  3. She has more superior fullness in the upper part of her breast than most because of her small breasts and moderate size implant. If she allows her implant to move down this would result in a “bottomed out appearance” to her breasts where her nipples move up and the bottom of the breast appears quite long. If you use a large implant there is no other place for the implant to go but down!
  4. She is doing a great job of keeping her implants “up front” so they won’t go off to the side over time. This is more common when women work their chest muscles as this squeezes the implants off to the side.

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