This is a 43 year old mother of two who is 5’1″ and 143 pounds interested in a breast revision. She had a previous breast augmentation done elsewhere with 300cc saline implants placed beneath the muscle. She complains that they are droopy and they have rippling.
You can clearly see that she is thin, and very fit with little to no body fat. She has small breasts. Her implants stretched out the skin, particularly on the lower part of the breast and this where she has extensive rippling of her saline implants. Her muscle retracted towards her clavicle so very little muscle coverage of the implant is happening. She is bottoming out on both sides, left more than right. Her nipple-areola complexes are moving off to the side as her breast skin retracts upwards and the implant moves downwards.
She is seen here after I exchanged out her saline implants for 355cc high profile silicone implants in the submuscular pocket with the use of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) to help in the reconstruction. I can feel her acellular dermal matrix along the bottom of her breasts but I can’t see it and there is no rippling.
She told me that she was questioned by an acquaintance on how is it that her breasts looks so impressive when she is so thin? In other words, how to the look so NATURAL? This is the ultimate compliment for my work.
Lessons to learn:
When it comes to improving your life, there’s no time like the present. The decisions you make today about your skin health, your body, and your beauty will impact you for the rest of your life. For more than three decades, Westlake Plastic Surgery has made the future brighter and more beautiful for patients just like you. Schedule your consultation today to begin your aesthetic journey at Westlake Plastic Surgery.
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