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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 74

Patient Details

This is a 35 year old female, 5’8″ and 240 pounds interested in a breast augmentation. She is seen here after a bilateral breast augmentation with 850 cc moderate profile saline implants placed beneath the muscle from an incision in the breast crease.

Learning points:

  1. I rarely use implants this large but she is fuller figured and would benefit from this size.
  2. She told me that “there is some room in the implants for more fluid!” In other words, she would have gone even larger.
  3. It took some time for them to settle as these are large implants and her skin was quite tight.
  4. She developed some mild stretch marks on the bottoms of her breasts from the large implant and her tight skin. We don’t know who is going to get them but it’s more likely when you use larger implants (skin stretching is much more) and in younger women on birth control pills (maybe related to hormones).
  5. She is Asian. I chose saline implants because the incision is smaller. Asian patients often heal with darker scars. Hers are dark in these post-operative photos but at her exam at one year post-operative her scars were normal in color.
  6. Support is always important in helping her skin with the weight of these implants. It’s all about the bra and a good fit.

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