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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 61

Patient Details

This is a mother of two, age 38, 5’4″ and 146 pounds interested in a breast enhancement. Her breasts are smaller than is ideally suited for her body size and shape, her breasts are somewhat narrow and her breasts sag. They lack any “bling” sort to speak. She complained of fullness in her axilla on both sides.

She is seen here after a bilateral breast augmentation with 350cc high profile silicone implants placed beneath the muscle from an incision at the bottom of the breast. I also performed liposuction of the axillary fullness on both sides. She is seen here about one year out from her procedure.

Her breasts are beautiful and symmetrical. I did a release of the muscle at the bottom of the breast to allow for adequate expansion of the lower aspect of the breast to allow for a more full, rounded shape. It’s interesting that she says she felt that her breasts have fallen off to the side to some degree but in her case this isn’t true. Her breasts are very much up front. I am so insistent on my patients wearing a very supportive bra that keeps the breasts “up and in” that when they feel any movement laterally they begin to panic! I guess this is a good thing because “awareness” means that she will take good care of her breasts because she knows what could happen if she doesn’t (it’s not a terrible thing but she wants them to be as good as the first year after her procedure).

The liposuction that I performed was to contour the area of fullness she had right in front of the arm pit. This had bothered her for many years and it was effectively contoured with liposuction alone. Sometimes this is actual breast tissue that would require removal with an incision. There is some collapse of the skin in this area, but it is acceptable and well worth it (both she and I agree on this).

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