This is a 37 year old mother of two, 5’1″ and 105 pounds interested in a breast enhancement. She is Asian. She has very small breasts with moderate side to side asymmetries. Her right breast is situated lower than that on the left side.
She is seen here after a breast augmentation with 200cc high profile silicone implants placed through an incision about her areola and situated behind the muscle.
Asian patients can be a challenge: they almost universally have very tight skin and tissues and there is a higher incidence of darker scars after surgery. We choose an incision about the areola for the reason of scarring. An incision at the bottom of the breast would almost certainly be considerable darker in her case and may be more visible because her implants are small and so are her breasts. They is no “hang” which in most breasts would help conceal the scar at the bottom of the breast. She enjoys a nice result with an improvement in the symmetry of her breasts and with satisfactory scarring. It took a fair amount of time to mold and soften her breasts after surgery because of her taught skin, but it was well worth it.
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