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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 45

Patient Details

This is a 34 year old mother of one, 118 lbs, 5’5″ tall, interested in a breast augmentation. She has a fair amount of rib cage, breast asymmetries, and small breasts. She does not want to be “too large,” and in her consultation, she very much enjoyed smaller to moderate sized implants.

She is seen here after a breast augmentation with smooth, round, moderate profile silicone implants 250 cc on the left and 275 cc on the right; placed beneath the muscle through an incision at the bottom of the breast. Her post operative photos are taken at one year.

She loves them and seems very content with her result. She wears a supportive bra as “instructed”. She has learned that when wearing a good bra, she sees more cleavage and superior fullness. This means her breasts have moved “up and in” as she is well aware that over time, and under the influence of gravity, there will be a tendency for them to move “down and out.”

She doesn’t wear a sleeping bra but certainly would benefit from one because of the rather significant sloping of her rib cage. Over time, her implants will tend to move laterally. I encouraged her to get into the habit of wearing a sleeping bra so that when I see her in eight years she can lay on her back and her breasts will sit “up front.”

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