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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 149

Patient Details

This young woman desired a breast enhancement. She had small C cup or big B cup breasts with some asymmetry. You can also see in the photos that she has significant musculoskeletal misalignment (look at her shoulders and neck area) that makes her breasts appear even more different in size and shape.

She is seen here after a breast augmentation with 350cc silicone smooth walled high profile implant on the right side and 330cc on the left side. You can appreciate the “natural” look to her breasts and the improved symmetry even though they are not perfect. She is very happy. She wishes they were a bit larger but she realizes that this size fits her perfect because if they were any larger they would touch in the midline (symmastia) or go off to the sides (lateral displacement).

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