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Gynecomastia Surgery Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 37

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This is an impressive case of surgery for gynecomastia. This young man had gynecomastia for quite a long time. What I found interesting about him is that he didn’t think his case of gynecomastia wasn’t that “big”. He made it seem like it really didn’t impact him in any negative way. When I saw him for the first time in person, I was shocked at how pronounced his chest was relative to his “no big deal” manner. He told me that he has large pectoral muscles and that was the cause of the appearance and not a lot of gynecomastia tissue.

I told him that his pecs are like most guys and the pointy/breast like appearance of his chest was from a significant glandular mass. One examined, this was confirmed because I can easily feel a rather large, firm, well localized mass.

Pictures tell a thousand words. Here he is 1 day after gynecomastia treatment in my office with a rather dramatic improvement in his appearance and a very large glandular mass that was removed on both sides. He is happy, but not necessarily fully embracing the magnitude of the change. He will continue to heal over the coming months and the appearance will get even better. It’s important that all patients embrace this recovery from gynecomastia surgery process and manage it so the result is smooth and masculine. The true villain of gynecomastia treatment is scar tissue—be on the lookout for this and you will do well. Ignore it and you will develop lumps and bumps that will compromise your result.

I suspect that he was doing what other guys tend to do: we don’t want to admit that we have a problem with female like breasts and we don’t want admit that we are not “strong” enough to cope with it. It’s almost like denial. It’s ok for us guys to have feelings. It’s ok to admit we don’t like the appearance of our chests and it’s not cool to have the appearance of a woman’s chest. It’s not anyone’s fault. There may not be an actual cause that we are aware of. It’s ok to talk about it with our friends and family—it is not a sign of weakness of insecurity. The mental impact of gynecomastia is very real—it’s the primary reason us gynecomastia surgeons remove the appearance so you can clear your head and move on with life in a positive, confident and healthy way.

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