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Gynecomastia Surgery Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 105

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This young man developed gynecomastia from steroids. He is seen here after my standard gynecomastia treatment surgery with liposuction and glandular tissue removal. His contour is perfect. He is happy. “I don’t even think about it anymore.”

Almost all guys who take hormones or prohormones will develop some glandular tissue. Although his case appears “smaller” than others, they are more of a challenge because I have less to work with and no room for error. Less body fat means the influence of more aggressive healing under the skin can distort the overlying skin. This is why I want you to massage and roll the area afterwards to keep things smooth and even.

He told me I can put his results on my website because he thought it would help me and he wanted to be grateful for his result/my work. I told him it isn’t about me – it’s about our brothers who have this condition and live with it day in and day out and haven’t had it fixed. If his pictures get them “off the fence,” both he and I have contributed to the greater good. Amen to that!

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When it comes to improving your life, there’s no time like the present. The decisions you make today about your skin health, your body, and your beauty will impact you for the rest of your life. For more than three decades, Westlake Plastic Surgery has made the future brighter and more beautiful for patients just like you. Schedule your consultation today to begin your aesthetic journey at Westlake Plastic Surgery.

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