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Tummy Tuck Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 08

Patient Details

This is a 29 year old mother of three who is 5’ and 130 pounds who was interested in body contouring options. She told me that she had previous liposuction of her abdomen done elsewhere and had some irregularities.

Indeed, she had significant contour irregularities from her previous liposuction. We discussed options, and we both agreed that I would perform a full tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) as well as liposuction of her trunk—back and front. She is seen in these photos about 6 months from surgery. She has lost a significant amount of weight since her last surgery. We are discussing some breast work now (my BRA procedure or Breast Reduction with Augmentation to enhance the appearance of her breasts).

Lessons to learn:

  1. Liposuction can cause irregularities of the skin. I don’t care what technique is used. Only your surgeon can prevent post-operative irregularities. The worse the skin, the more likely you will have some irregularities. You can always be made smaller, but inexpert liposuction can leave you unbalanced and with irregularities. Skin tightening promises with energy based liposuction systems are overblown for sure. They are marketing tools.
  2. The benefit of the tuck is evident. The combination of liposuction and the tuck enhances the result. The motivation the surgery provided her enabled her to keep the weight off and, in fact, for her to lose weight and get in better shape. “My husband is really pleased with the result.”
  3. Her abdominal scar is a bit hyperpigmented. This means it is darker. It is not uncommon for women of color to have a greater tendency to scar darker. Notice the two close up photos that show how wearing my skimpy photo panties completely covers the scar compared to when I pull it lower. She can actually wear a bikini bottom and cover her scar.
  4. I wanted to wait to do her breast work until after her abdominoplasty and liposuction so I can determine what size to make her breasts to keep her figure in proportion.

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