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Mommy Makeover Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 19

Patient Details

This is a 32 year old mother of two, 5’2″ and 160 pounds, who was interested in a “mommy makeover.” She is seen in these photographic comparisons after a liposuction procedure of her abdomen, flanks, upper medial thighs, hips and the areas beneath her buttock crease. I also performed a “floating abdominoplasty” at the same time. She is seen here about a year after her procedure. Her weight is now 145 pounds. I suctioned 5550cc of total fat and fluid, 4700cc of which was fat alone.

There is a tremendous difference. Her abdomen is flatter than it was before, she has lost a fair amount of weight, and she no longer looks like she is carrying too much weight.

Learning points:

  1. I asked her to lose some weight before surgery because she will get a much better result if she loses the fat before her procedure. This will make her liposuction easier and safer, and her intra-abdominal fat (also called visceral fat) will be a lot less which will allow me to tighten her loose fascia much better (her abdomen will be much flatter). The issue of weight is often present in plastic surgery patients. I will tell you if I believe you need to lose any weight because your outcome will be better and you will live a healthier life.
  2. A “floating abdominoplasty” means it is essentially a full abdominoplasty, but there is no incision or scar around the belly button. This is best for those patients who have a high belly button in general and who have very good skin. The fascial layer of the abdomen is tightened and skin is removed on the lower part of the abdomen like a full tuck, but not as much skin is removed. It’s not quite as “tight” from a skin perspective compared to a full tuck. The main goal is to keep your scar really low on the abdomen and to avoid a scar around the belly button which can be seen in a two piece bathing suit.
  3. Combining liposuction procedures and a tuck is probably more standard fare than it was years ago. Your surgeon still must be prudent in how much liposuction is performed when doing a tuck at the same time.
  4. Performing a tuck and liposuction in a morbidly obese patient is dangerous as the risk for wound complications, pulmonary embolism, infection and even death is a distinct possibility. Don’t go there.

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