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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 126

Patient Details

This is a 54 year old mother of three 5’1″ and 126 pounds interested in a breast enhancement. She has small, poorly shaped breasts.

She is seen here after a bilateral breast augmentation with 350 cc high profile textured silicone implants placed beneath the muscle from an incision at the bottom of her breasts.

This case is of interest because it’s amazing how the breast and surrounding skin will expand to form around the implant itself. Her breast are fuller now-the complete opposite of her original breasts. The lower pole of the breast (that area between the nipple and crease at the bottom of the breast) is much longer now (the dimensions of the breast have improved).

Her only complaint is that she hadn’t gone larger (450cc). This happens when someone who never had breasts before gets them and discovers how much different things can be with them (I will leave that image up to your imagination!)

An interesting note about textured implants is that in Europe the vast majority of their implants are textured while in the USA it probably makes up less than 25% of implants used. Why is this? It’s really not that clear. There is some evidence that the performance of these implants may be better, but the jury isn’t out on that.

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