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What You Need to Know About Unsatisfying Results from Rhinoplasty

What You Need to Know About Unsatisfying Results from Rhinoplasty

Nose jobs are popular plastic surgery procedures as they improve the shape and appearance of the nose, which can be very transformative. The procedure is also difficult to master, and that is why so few plastic surgeons offer nose jobs in their practice. As with any surgical procedure, less-than-desirable results can and do occur. What should you do if your nose job result isn’t what you expected?

The nose sits at the center of your face and impacts how others see you more than other facial features. The universal use of phone cameras and selfies has impacted how you see yourself as well as how others see you, increasing the demand for plastic surgery. At the same time, it has also opened the door to critical self-analysis of facial features that can be counterproductive and harmful. This can negatively impact your emotional well-being and result in low self-esteem, body dysmorphia, and personality disorders.

Recovery from a nose job takes longer than you might realize. Although most of the swelling is gone after five weeks or so, the nose takes well over a year to fully heal, and during that time, there can be significant changes (both positive and negative). An experienced surgeon understands the healing process of the nose and works their treatment of the nose, anticipating changes over time that will result in the desired contour. Patience is a virtue. Steroid injections into the nose are not uncommon after a rhinoplasty. Avoid mirrors and constant self-analysis. Surround yourself with friends and family who are supportive, and avoid those who are not emotionally helpful.

As always, expectations are important when it comes to your rhinoplasty result. It’s not possible to make your nose look like your favorite celebrity in most cases, as your nose anatomy is unique. In addition, skin thickness is a big factor when it comes to nose refinement, as your skin may be thicker and not retract as well as others, resulting in a larger tip than you would prefer, for example.

A botched rhinoplasty refers to an outcome far from normal. In these cases, a ski-sloped dorsum or an overly rotated nose tip can result in an over-operated nose. Botched nose jobs may require additional complex secondary or revision nose surgery, which is less predictable by nature. The best way to avoid a botched rhinoplasty is to choose an experienced, reputable surgeon.

How does age impact rhinoplasty? The nose is not fully formed until your early to mid-teens. In addition, younger patients may not have the maturity level to adequately cope with a nose job. As such, your surgeon must get to know you well so an appropriate determination can be made regarding your fitness for rhinoplasty. Older patients often experience nose growth relative to the rest of their face, which is a result of aging tissues and loss of elasticity. SIMON is an acronym for Single, Immature, Male, Overly expectant, and Narcissistic. These patients must be very careful when considering rhinoplasty. If you know you have underlying mental health conditions that can potentially negatively impact your rhinoplasty, you need to have open and frank discussions with your surgeon.

What are your options when you have an unsatisfactory result from rhinoplasty? The good news is that many options are available to make you whole. As time passes, you may learn to like your nose better during this adjustment period. Steroid injections may help to improve swelling and enhance definition. Fillers can be used cautiously and conservatively to manage asymmetrical healing and improve the appearance of your nose. Obtaining a second opinion from an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon is advisable. Revision rhinoplasty should be performed after the majority of the healing has taken place, which means waiting about 18 months. It is much better to get it done right the first time as additional nose surgery is always more complex, costly, and unpredictable.

The best way to avoid an unsatisfactory result from rhinoplasty is to have realistic expectations, an excellent relationship with an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon, and an ability to completely understand that perfection is the goal but only rarely achieved.

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