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Breast Lift With Implants Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 41

Patient Details

This is a 44 year old female, 5’5″ and 145 pounds who lost 45 pounds and wanted me to take a look at her breasts for alternatives.

She had saggy deflated breasts with widened areolas. Her ribs are quite sloped.

She is seen here EARLY after the more advanced version of the breast lift with implants I call the Breast Reduction with Augmentation (BRA). She was augmented with 400cc high profile smooth silicone implants beneath the muscle and a reduction of 50 grams of tissue and I removed 275cc of fat from her lateral chest area. She is seven weeks out from her procedure.

This totally has revolutionized this patient (and her husband). There has been a complete transformation in her personality and her confidence. It’s really nice to see. At this time in her recovery, it’s all about wearing the correct bra to support and shape her breasts. If she wants to run she has to wear a supportive bra to keep them from moving and stretching.

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