This is a 23 year old female seeking a breast augmentation who is 5’7″ and 130 pounds with one child. She wanted more superior fullness and more size in general. On examination she had pretty nice breasts. She had size and a nice shape. When we tried on the implant sizers in the office she clearly favored the larger implants. In her pictures here, she was augmented with 425cc moderate profile saline implants placed beneath the muscle through an incision at the bottom of the breast.
I can certainly see that she has larger breasts, more superior fullness and an overall improvement in her body dimensions from her larger breasts. She is really happy with her results. She says that she fills out her clothing better and particularly her bras. One problem she has encountered occurred when she was picking out a bathing suit to a family function but realized that her suit was too revealing and she had to choose another one. I told her that was a good move on her behalf.
What we can learn from her case:
When it comes to improving your life, there’s no time like the present. The decisions you make today about your skin health, your body, and your beauty will impact you for the rest of your life. For more than three decades, Westlake Plastic Surgery has made the future brighter and more beautiful for patients just like you. Schedule your consultation today to begin your aesthetic journey at Westlake Plastic Surgery.
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