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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 80

Patient Details

This is a 27 year old mother of two, who is 4’11” and 117 pounds interested in a breast enhancement. She and her boyfriend want large implants. She has saggy breasts that are also shaped and sized differently. Her chest wall/ribs beneath her breasts are asymmetrical as well. Her breasts are somewhat “odd shaped”.

She is seen here after a bilateral breast augmentation with 475cc silicone high profile implants placed beneath the muscle from an incision at the bottom of her breasts.

Learning points:

  1. These are bigger implants than I would typically use or recommend. If she works her breasts after surgery to mold a great shape, and she is willing to wear a very supportive bra after surgery, she will probably do well and have a lot of fun too.
  2. The bra that she is wearing doesn’t work. It is not keeping her breasts where they need to be. The hands of my nurse moving her breasts up and in is the way I want her breasts to look when she is wearing a better fitting bra. Finding a good bra that fits after a larger augmentation can be a bit of a challenge. If you want your breasts to look as good in ten years as they do now you will need to wear a supportive bra.
  3. I believe in the long term theory of breast enhancement. In the best of hands, all augmentations will look good the first few years. The challenge is five, ten, fifteen years later that is the key to success. The right size implant, the right positioning above or below the muscle, and long term support with a great bra are the three keys to a successful breast augmentation.

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