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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 35

Patient Details

This mother of three complained of deflated breasts after her pregnancies. She is 5’9″ and 133 pounds. On pre-operative evaluation I noted that she has small deflated breasts with collapse of the nipple-areola complex. The ribs beneath her breasts are actually concave (there is a depression beneath her breasts that make them appear even smaller). She has a relatively wide rib cage and her shoulders are broad (and beautiful!).

She is seen here after a bilateral breast augmentation with 450cc smooth silicone implants placed below the muscle from an incision in the breast crease. It was surprising that we had to use such a large implant but when we tried on the implant sizers in the office beforehand it was evident that she required a larger volume to work with her dimensions and to fill out the volume lost because of her depressed ribs beneath her breasts.

In the before and after photo comparisons we can clearly observe larger and fuller breasts. She has excellent cleavage and superior fullness. Look at the tan skin on the upper part of her breasts-this is what is exposed to the world the vast majority of the time. This is the area that benefits most from the superior fullness created with breast implants. Women absolutely love superior fullness. They don’t prefer however if this area has a crease or “step off” often associated with using too large of an implant or overinflating a saline implant or in some cases, using a high profile implant. With her hands held up you can see these early scars in the crease beneath the breast. When choosing pre filled silicone implants, the larger the size the larger the incision.

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