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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 15

Patient Details

This patient, 5’10” and 160 pounds desired a breast enhancement. She has two children. She specifically desires more superior fullness and larger breasts (like they were before the kids). She has attractive breasts in general. She has lost some superior fullness and has some excess fat on the lateral breast area and under her arm that I think makes her breasts look wider, less perky, and attractive. The left breast is larger than the right and is a bit more ptotic (hangs lower).

I performed a bilateral breast augmentation with high profile 450cc silicone implants placed beneath the muscle though an incision in the crease below the breast. I also performed liposuction of her lateral breast and under her arms and her larger left breast. The goal was to achieve a larger yet more youthful attractive breast. The high profile implant was used to create a more narrow breast with enhanced superior fullness. You can see from the preoperative photos that they are certainly larger yet not matronly in appearance. This is the sweet spot for her and she is very pleased. Unfortunately, she was not wearing a proper fitting bra and we encouraged her to visit with the brassiere professionals at Petticoat Fair.

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