This is a 29 year old mother of one, who is 5’7″ and 120 pounds who presented for a breast augmentation. She was enhanced with 400cc high profile smooth silicone implants placed beneath the muscle from an incision at the bottom of the breast.
I saw her 6 years later when she was in town-that is when I took these post-operative pictures. She complained of some pain on the lateral side of her right breast. I examined her carefully and her implants where soft and mobile. There was no pain on exam and I couldn’t feel anything abnormal.
I suggested a 10 day course of Motrin 200 mg with food and a good supportive bra that doesn’t dig into her skin. If this is not better after 9 weeks or so she will reach out to me. I suspect she has some inflammation that will pass on itself. Patients like her very much appreciate the assurances that I don’t feel anything abnormal (like scar tissue or even a cancer!)
When I showed her the original pictures she was blown away. “That looks like a boy!” Both her and her husband are very happy with their results and I’m so pleased to be part of that joy. She continues to wear excellent bras as she knows this is critical to impressive results many years later.
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