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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 109

Patient Details

This is a 31 year old female who is 4’11” and 117 pounds interested in a breast augmentation. She has attractive, moderate sized breasts with excellent quality skin.

She is seen here after a breast augmentation with 260cc smooth saline implants placed below the muscle from an incision at the bottom of the breast.

She wanted larger and fuller but not a size or shape that made her appear heavier. This is important. When we tried on the sizers we observed that the larger implants made her look heavier and less tall.

I used saline in her case because she had enough of her own tissue to mask the implant. I can’t tell on her examination what type of implants she has because I’m mostly feeling her native breast tissue.

She is planning on having children. For her to enjoy this impressive result long term it is important that she always wear a supportive bra, particularly during her pregnancy/post pregnancy days.

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