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Breast Augmentation Gallery Plastic Surgery in Austin | Patient 07

Patient Details

This is a 34 year old mother of two who is 5’7″ and 115 pounds interested in a breast augmentation. Her husband preferred larger implants, while she was partial to the smaller ones. She has small breasts with no ptosis (sag). She had relatively loose skin about her breasts. Her nipple-areola complexes are collapsed. Her chest wall below her breasts is quite flat and not sloped like many women.

She is seen here after a bilateral breast augmentation with 275CC low profile silicone implants placed below her muscle through an incision in the crease at the bottom of her breasts. Several issues deserve comment; First, we chose a low profile implant because if she is electing for smaller implants, they have to be wide enough to span the width of her chest. If not, the implants could look somewhat “stuck on” or like the “hot and cold” knobs on the sink. High profile implants that are too small won’t adequately fill her out. It is common to choose a lower or moderate profile implant for the smaller implants and the higher profile for the larger ones (but not always). Second, take a look at her scars at the bottom of her breasts at six months after surgery. She is healing very well and soon they will be almost invisible. They are hidden in the natural breast crease. This is the most popular incision choice for many reasons. Note that the lower profile implants don’t project as much, so there is not as much superior fullness. Also, the overall breast is a bit flatter in appearance than what we might see if she had opted for the more narrow high profile implants.

As I suspected in her case, she wishes she had gone larger. I told her that although I share her enthusiasm because of her impressive outcome, I feel the main reason why she enjoys such a beautiful outcome is because she chose the best size for her anatomy!

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